Thursday, 24 March 2016

The First Skin One- My Evening Routine.

 I will hold my hands up, I have slept in my make-up after a night out. I have woken up the next morning false eyelashes stuck together, eye liner smudged everywhere, foundation and fake tan smeared around my face, I am not proud. I will admit to another thing aswell, I have used baby wipes to remove my make-up, no matter how rough they feel on my face and no matter that it feels like I am simply pushing make-up around my face until I feel I've made an acceptable attempt and can pass out in my bed. Both these things you may have guessed have resulted in my skin feeling dried out, rough and prone to break outs. Then something happened.

 I turned 21. I decided this was a time that I should behave like a proper adult and therefore do the adult thing and remove my make-up and let my skin breath, and so was born my night time routine. Now I won't lie, I have seen peoples night time routines that take about 79 hours, 5 million different lotions and potions and a singing bird or two to come and delicately wash their faces from the traces of shit that is left there from the day. (Kidding obviously, but you get my gist.) If however, you are one of those people I suggest you stop reading now as clearly I will be wasting your time.
 I am a lazy girl, there I said it. When I get into bed I want to hit play on One Tree Hill (or whatever I'm binging.) Then pass out into a peaceful sleep before my dreaded 5:30am alarm goes off. Therefore I want a quick and easy night time skin routine that still leaves good results, and I think I've finally found one that works. Plus an added bonus- it won't break your bank balance.

 I start by using Soap & Glory- Peaches And Clean. I want to begin by saying I LOVE the names S&G give to their products. Peaches And Clean (or P&C as I shall refer to them from now.) is a 4 in 1 wash off deep cleansing milk. It "purifies & clarifies" "dissolves makeup" and "energizes and smoothes." I totally, 100% back this up. I put two pumps onto my (clean) hands and rub it all round my face and down my neck and then remove that with a cotton pad, then I pump some more on to a cotton pads and get into stubborn areas such as the top of my forehead and around my nose and eyes and then rinse this off with water. Once I've done that I go over my face once more with a cotton pad just to be certain all my makeup is completely gone and what do you know? It's all gone.
 I also find that P&C lasts ages. I've had my bottle since December, I use it every night and I'm not even half way through it. What I will say is a little goes a long way. Sometimes I go a bit crazy with the pump and I'm leftover with excess lotion which is annoying. There is a fragrance to it which is (I'm sure you've guessed) peaches. If you don't like your moisturisers or lotions with an added fragrance then you probably won't like this but if you can bypass the smell, the results are worth it. If this sounds like something you want to try then head here, it's normally priced at £8.00 so it is affordable, however right now Boots have a sale on S&G products where you can save 1/3 on them so it's priced at £5.33 at the moment.
Soap And Glory- Peaches And Clean.
 Just a quick heads up, I am still working on the photo quality and set up; I realise the photos I'm currently taking are probably a cardinal sin in the blogging world.

 The next and final step, yes that's right my skin routine only involves two steps. Is to moisturise. I understand that the more expensive the product then maybe the better results. However I'm quite lucky with my skin that it's normally clear and I don't really get spots (but when I do get them, they take over my face they're so big.) Because of this I didn't want to spend loads on something I didn't need and I just wanted a light moisturiser. Enter Simple Kind To Skin Hydrating Light Moisturiser. 
 I love this. I love the fact that they have all the ingredients clearly on the bottles. For example on this one on the front it shows there are 2 vitamins, 2 skin loving ingredients and 0 artificial perfumes or colours. It then goes into detail on the back so I know exactly what I'm putting on my face. So just in case you're wondering in the light moisturiser the vitamins are: Pro vitamin B5 and vitamin E. And the skin loving ingredients are: glycerin and borage skin oil. Now I don't claim to know what they are but they leave your skin feeling super soft when you wake up in the morning. Plus it carries on working for 12 hours which is always an added bonus. If you're interested in this product it's super affordable at £4.19, however at Boots you can save a 1/3 on selected Simple products so it's £2.79, the same price if not cheaper than your average lunch. Even better head to Superdrug and get it for £2.65. There's also a 50ml bottle on the Superdrug website.
Simple Hydrating Light Moisturiser.

  And for the nights where I go out out too late or I'm just too tired then I resort to my emergency wipes. However these are wipes with a difference. Low and behold the No7 Beautiful Skin Quick Thinking Wipes. Now these don't come cheap (in wipes terms) they are £7 but in my opinion they're worth it. Even if I just use these without the moisturiser or cleanser and toner then I still wake up the next morning with soft skin. This would be thanks to the ingredients like Pro-vitamin B5 which moisturises and softens your skins and the witch hazel and fennel (fennel?!?! Who knew) which clears pores and "leaves skin feeling smooth and fresh." I for one have to agree. These are every lazy/tired/drunk/busy persons dream. If I was pushed to give a negative it would be that there aren't enough wipes in one packet so I find I go through them quite quickly but there always seem to be an offer on at Boots, for example right now they have 3 for 2 on No7 products so if you're buying something from there anyway, pick these up and give them a try. Go here if I have managed to persuade you to join the lazy girls dream.
No7 Beautiful Skin, Quick Thinking Wipes. (Yes that
is an empty packet, sorry!)
 So there you have it, an easy, Simple (Ha Ha..!) guide to my evening routine. Yes it's not the most sophisticated but you know what the results are amazing. My skin is definitely thankful for it aswell. A short but sweet Blog post, plus you're getting two this week to make up for the lack of Blogs from the weekend. Another bonus for me is that it's pay day weekend so I will be buying lots of new products to try out and review for you. Hurrah I hear you all cheer. I see a haul in the not so distant future.
 Don't forget to follow me on here, Twitter and Instagram (link is in the previous post.) Feel free to leave comments with your favourite skin products and any thoughts on how I'm doing/how I could improve, until then thank you and goodbye. 

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