Saturday, 12 March 2016

The First Hello...

I would say that 95% of my wage goes on beauty products. I should probably be saving up for a car or a flat but I can't help myself. I'm pulled in by the products, reviews, packaging. Everything about beauty products I love. 

 Whilst I'm at work, during the quiet periods I find myself writing my own views and reviews on old scraps of paper or anything that I can write them on and I've just recently found lots of these crumpled bits of paper and an idea hit me. Why not write my thoughts and ideas on a platform where they might actually come in useful to someone? Or where I, myself can go back and read my thoughts on a particular product instead of randomly stumbling across them and then losing them again time after time? So I'm not quite sure what this is going to be yet, I like the idea of giving my reviews on products where you can (and hopefully will) read them. I also like the idea of doing big hauls every month testing everything out and sharing my opinion so you can go out and make a more informed decision. 

I buy high street products so they are affordable for all, whether you be in school and trying to scrounge enough pocket money together to buy something or you be working and instead of being like me you are actually saving for your future and don't have that much to spare, the things I write about aren't that expensive and should hopefully be within everyone's budgets. 

I am also doing this for slightly selfish reasons as I'd love to know all your beauty recommendations. I love experimenting with everything from make-up to hair, nails and tan. However sometimes I find myself getting stuck in a style rut. When I'm running late for work or I have to pick up kids (not mine) from School. It's easy to just stick with what I know works and rush out the door. So I'd love to know your thoughts and ideas.

I work Monday to Friday and my home life is quite hectic but even typing this first introductory blog is seeming almost therapeutic. Sat here, music on writing down the words that I've been wanting to for so long. I feel genuinely excited to start this adventure and see where it takes me. I realise that there are so many wonderful Bloggers and Vloggers out there already and I am just a small voice in this huge beauty ocean but even if just one person reads this and finds it helpful then in my eyes I have succeeded in what I wanted to do. 

So my thought plan? I'm hoping to put up 1-2 detailed Blogs a week and see where we go from there, if you haven't already stopped reading then thank you for baring with me. I fear it may take a while for me to figure out how to work this properly and find my rhythm and style but I've started and that's the main thing. I'm hoping that my first proper post will be up before the weekend is out and the dreaded Monday blues hit us so I'll speak to you all (or anyone) again then. If you have any thoughts or suggestions already or anything you'd like me to write on then just let me know in the comments.

 Ahhhh, I've gone on a ramble and don't know how to end this. STOP TYPING. 

See you soon. Xx

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